Anna University minimum Cut off marks in 2011 for all colleges in Tamilnadu

           According to standard of colleges there will be minimum cutoff mark to obtain the seat in those colleges. Minimum cutoff marks also varied inaccordance with course offered in various colleges. Here is the list of various reputed college list of cut offmarks and their courses. Based on caste and community also minimum cut off marks were determined for selected number of seats.

The given list is only for OC-2011, for other caste based ranking it will vary. Check those in the below linking.

In anna university chennai at CEG campus the cutoff mark for 2011 is

At ACT Campus the cutoff list for 2011 is given by

For Erode, Kongu Engineering college list -2011 is given below

To get more information on the minimum cutoff marks on caste based and also for all colleges in and around tamilnadu for the year 2011 click the below links.

For more details about Engineering counselling dates and updated news click here