Ranking Details for Anna university Counselling

The selection of candidates will be on the basis of the marks obtained in the prescribed subjects in the qualifying examination.The academic marks in the prescribed subjects reduced to 200 (Mathematics 100, Physics + Chemistry =100) will be considered for Ranking.
 Normalisation of Marks and Inter-se Merit:
 The marks obtained by the students in the relevant subjects in the qualifying examination conducted by various Boards or Authority shall be equated with the marks obtained by the students in the same subjects in the qualifying examination conducted by the State Board of Tamilnadu by adopting the method of normalisation.
(e.g.) If the highest marks secured by the student of State Board of Tamilnadu in Physics is 100 and the highest marks secured by a student of any other Board in the same subject is 90 both the highest marks will be considered to be equal to 100. If a student of the other Board secures 60 marks in Physics when the first mark in Physics in the same Board is 90, 60 marks will be considered to be equal to 66.66 marks as arrived below.
After normalisation of marks in the relevant subjects in the qualifying examination conducted by different Boards, the qualified students shall be merged into a common merit list.
A merit list will be prepared based on the total marks of 200. In cases where more than one candidate have got the same marks in the common merit list, the inter-se merit among such candidates shall be determined in the order of priority as specified below.
(1) Percentage of marks in Mathematics,
(2) Percentage of marks in Physics,
(3) Percentage of marks in the fourth  optional subject,
(4) Date of Birth (elder will be given preference) and
(5) Random number assigned (higher value will  be given preference).

The overall rank and Communitywise rank lists will be published in the website of Anna University Chennai . No separate announcement will be made in the Newspapers. The candidates will also be informed of their rank individually by post through the counselling Call Letter. The college and the branch will be provisionally allotted only through counselling.