List of Top 10 Engineering Colleges in Tamilnadu

There are many factors which determine the worth of a college. By analysising various factor such as Infrastructures, Faculties, Coaching, Placement etc., here are the top 10 Engineering college in Tamilnadu.
  1.  University departments of Anna University Chennai, CEG Campus (Government College of Engineering - Chennai)  
  2.  PSG College of Technology (Autonomous) - Coimbatore  
  3. University departments of Anna University Chennai, MIT Campus (Madras Institute of Technology - Chennai) 
  4.   Government College of Technology (Autonomous) - Coimbatore
  5. Coimbatore Institute of Technology (Autonomous) - Coimbatore  
  6. Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering - Thiruporur, Kanchipuram  
  7. Thiagarajar College of Engineering - Madurai 
  8. University departments of Anna University Chennai, ACT campus (A.C. College of Technology - Chennai)
  9. Kumaraguru College of Technology (Autonomous) - Coimbatore  
  10. Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering - Sriperumbadur,Kancheepuram(Dist)
Note : It may be different according to the people and according to course wise also. So please go through carefully the details about all college before taking any decisions